Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012...A Year of Possibilites

2011 is over! Highlights include graduating university and visiting Melbourne for the first time.

I didn't achieve many of my goals for 2011 - I did not finish 12 projects or sleep more, but overall I am happy with everything that I did in 2011. I just intend to make 2012 a better year!

2012 should be a more exciting year for a few reasons: two good friends of mine will be getting married, I start a new job (and get to quit my old job!) and I've booked my first overseas holiday!

I will be going to Europe in winter and am looking for suggestions on what to do there! I will be going to London, Paris, Lucerne, Barcelona, French Riviera, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Prague, Berlin & Amsterdam. Except for London, I will only have one full day in each place, so if you have been, what would you recommend to see, do or experience?

Enjoy a great start to the 2012 and make the most out of it!

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